In500ishbyM.G. SieglerThe First Truly Personal ComputerFare thee well, iPodMay 11, 20228May 11, 20228
Uzma BarlaskarA framework for building high-quality productsOne of the great paradoxes about quality is that everyone can tell when a product is high quality – the iPhone, Swiss watches, Scandinavian…Mar 12, 2021Mar 12, 2021
Uzma BarlaskarDesigning for Extreme UsersPersona based design thinking has been in vogue for a long time. I believe the origins of persona-driven design started in marketing and…May 26, 20182May 26, 20182
InThe StartupbyGabrielle BufremProduct managers — get away from the backlog!Controversial? Some might say “yes,” but I hope to change your mind by the end of this article. Marty Cagan wrote an excellent article a…Dec 2, 20195Dec 2, 20195